Saturday, April 23, 2011

An Itch

What I would give to know the next pieces of the puzzle

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blue Symphony

No shit. Words are grossly inadequate when it comes to expressing how much this family of bright and talented musicians inspire me. I mean, you could ask me till the constellations drop or something and I'd still say the same darned thing over like a broken record: There's never a day that passes without me feeling grateful for the short time I spent with these people. Truly it's been an honor to have had the opportunity to perform and share the gift of music along with them on the many stages we've graced  over the past three years. 

As a friend of mine would say, Cheers to the future! 

May Blue Symphony last till we're 65 and beyond! :)


Oh and people, if you do hear about a Blue Symph Concert in the future, I really do hope you take the time to check these guys out. You won't be disappointed. :)

Summer Reading List


The Prince
Catcher in the Rye
The Communist Manifesto
The Death of Ivan Illich

In the Oven

Don Quixote
War and Peace
Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller
The Merchant of Venice
100 Years of Solitude
Love in the time of Cholera

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nth Resurrection

It's funny how sometimes I'm stunned by my immediate response to the question, "How old are you?"

Uh, I'm 21.

It's standard procedure. Almost automatic even.

I mean it's strange enough that I don't feel 21 all that much, but the reality that hits me the moment my tongue lets loose those two numbers makes it all too visceral. Suddenly it dawns on me that I'm no longer a student, in the strictest sense at least (though I may return sooner than I hope, should I get into the Erasmus Mundus program).

But behold, the newly incarnated fetus-of-a-bum is resurrected from Matrixian dregs and swims in vacuous bummery. Behold the wings of outrageous fortune as they flap beyond Platonic caves, even as the sofa, in all its sullenly sunken majesty, beckons.

It's all so surreal. Two years ago, I never could've imagined myself in this position, much less surviving my course. But still I'm excited to see what the next few days/months/years will bring.